2011      International Windland Smith Rice Award, Highly Honored Image, Reston, VA

2011      1st Place-Photography, Placerville Arts Association Fall Member's Show, Placerville, CA

2011      Award of Excellence, Sacramento Fine Arts: Visions 2011, Sacramento, CA

2011      1st Place-Photography, El Dorado Hills Art Association Member's Show, Folsom, CA

2011      Best in Show-Photography, Sacramento County Fair Photography, Sacramento, CA 

2011      1st Place-Photography, Placerville Arts Association Spring Members' Show, Placerville, CA

2010      1st Place-Photography, Placerville Arts Association Fall Members' Show, Placerville, CA

2010      Featured Photography Student of the Month, National Award, Mac-On-Campus, NY

2010      1st Place-Photography, Placerville Arts Association Fall Members' Show, Placerville, CA

2009      Honorable Mention, Sacramento Fine Arts: Moments in Time,  Sacramento, CA

2009      Award of Merit-Photography, California State Fair Fine Arts, Sacramento, CA

2009      Best in Show, El Dorado County Fair Photography, Placerville, CA

2009      Best in Show, Sacramento County Fair Photography, Sacramento, CA

2008      Best in Show, El Dorado County Fair Photography, Placerville, CA

2008      Best in Show, Sacramento County Fair Photography, Sacramento, CA          



2011      The Art of Light: Nature's Spirit, Lumens Light+Living, Sacramento, CA

2011      Sierra Collection, Solomon Wine Company, Clarksburg, CA



2011      International Windland Smith Rice Award, Highly Honored Image

2011      Twelve: Parallels, Viewpoint Gallery, Sacramento, CA

2011      Visions, Sacramento Fine Arts, Sacramento, CA

2011      Landscapes, El Dorado Arts Council, Placerville, CA

2011      Governor's Collection, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA

2011      KVIE 2011 Art Auction, Sacramento, CA

2011      Cosumnes River College Exhibit, Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA

2011      Yosemite Renaissance XXVI, Yosemite Valley, CA

2011      2011 Photography Open Show, Blue Line Gallery, Roseville, CA

2010      Twelve: The Face of It, Viewpoint Gallery, Sacramento, CA             

2010      Moments in Time, Sacramento Fine Arts, Sacramento, CA

2010      Lottery for the Arts, Blue Line Gallery, Roseville, CA

2010      KVIE 2010 Art Auction, Sacramento, CA

2010      38th Annual Membership Show, Blue Line Gallery, Roseville, CA

2010      33rd Open Show, Blue Line Gallery, Roseville, CA

2010      Animal House, Sacramento Fine Arts, Sacramento, CA

2009      Twelve: The Play of Light, Viewpoint Gallery, Sacramento, CA        

2009      Moments in Time, Sacramento Fine Arts, Sacramento, CA

2009      Fine Arts: Photography, California State Fair, Sacramento, CA

2009      KVIE  2009 Art Auction, Sacramento, CA



2011      Nature's Best Photography, Reston, VA

2011      Susurrus, SCC Literary Journal, Sacramento, CA

2010      Cosumnes River Journal, Sacramento, CA

2010      Susurrus, SCC Literary Journal, Sacramento, CA

2009      American River Review, Sacramento, CA

2009      Susurrus, SCC Literary Journal, Sacramento, CA